Will Life & Personal Development coaching benefit you?

Life and personal development coaching focuses on growth and progress in different areas of your life. There is an intricate, but relatively straight forward process to achieve this. It all starts by identifying priorities and increasing self awareness. With various tools and exercises, priority areas of life are assessed. Once priorities are set, motivations and possibilities are thoroughly analyzed. Challenges and difficulties that may arise are recognized and discussed about in depth. Having those in mind, goals are set, and realistic action points to reach those goals are created. As sessions advance, we revise the previous session’s goals, check whether they are being fulfilled, and what new challenges or situations are arising.

Even though it might sound as a simple process when read in a concise paragraph, there is a lot of work involved in it. Different techniques, models and tools are used. Through the use of the right questions from my side, you can expect to be confronted with doubts, intense emotions, priority choices, morals, values, complicated decision making, resistance to change, and communication, commitment and accountability issues, to mention a few. Though an energy consuming challenge, this process enhances your self awareness, responsability, and accountability, and is of inmense value to your personal development. These are key aspects for self improvement. Once you master these aspects, you will become a sovereign and powerful human, with the ability to understand and manage your own life, based on your specific ideology, morals, and values. In the long term, the energy input is lower than the energy you will receive from our coaching sessions together. After our sessions are done, chances are you will learn how to engage in self-coaching, and reap the benefits of our relationship in the future without my participation.

Essentially, life and personal development coaching services will only benefit you if you have intrinsic motivation for change and are ready to explore yourself. Readyness to open up to other people and bravery to confront yourself is also a must. Throughout our online coaching relationship we will go deep into situations that are personal and at times hard to share. Only if you are ready to open up fully, be honest, and share what’s truly in your mind, this process will yield the appropriate results. Do not worry about your privacy outside our sessions: all information that is shared with me is confidential and will never be spoken about outside our personal coaching environment. The only scenario in which I would share information spoken about in our sessions is if you deliberately express your intention or plan to harm somebody or commit a crime. Besides these extreme scenarios, there is no other situation in which your information would be shared.

Some examples of why you might be looking for life & personal development coach’s services:

  • You feel something is holding you back.
  • You doubt yourself.
  • You don’t understand your intentions and motivations.
  • You want to become more decisive and assertive.
  • You want to develop your personal awareness.
  • You want to work on your focus.
  • You’re going through a period of transition.
  • New self Vs. Old self dilema.
  • Personal development matters to you.
  • You think your real potential is not being met.
  • You have a hard time going deep into situations and understanding the root cause of them.
  • You need guidance in your journey of self improvement.

You are not ready for life and personal development coaching if:

  • You think a life coach possesses all the answers or will give you tips on how to proceed in your life.
  • You’re reluctant to self-assess, self-examine and, quite possibly, network.
  • You have trouble opening up to others.
  • You are unable to stick to actions that will make you reach your goals.

If what you are reading resonates with you at the moment, then you are ready to start a journey of self discovery, personal growth, and progress. I invite you to book a free introductory session. We will get the chance to meet each other, and it will give you a broader idea of how I work and what you can expect. From there on, you can choose if you want to embark this journey with me by choosing one of the coaching plans.

I look forward to our meeting!

What is the International Coach Federation?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for coaches and coaching. ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.

ICF defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.”

Most prestigious accreditation ecosystem

Throughout its 29-year tenure in the coaching industry, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) lends instant credibility to its members. ICF continues to offer the most globally recognized, independent credentialing program for coach practitioners. ICF Credentials are awarded to professional coaches who have met stringent education and experience requirements and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession. Achieving credentials through ICF signifies a coach’s commitment to integrity, understanding and mastery of coaching skills, and dedication to clients.

ICF also accredits programs that deliver coaching education. ICF-accredited education organizations must complete a rigorous review process and demonstrate that their curriculum aligns with the ICF Core Competencies and Code of Ethics. Symbiosis Coaching, where I did my education, is an official organization that is accredited by the ICF.

ICF are leading the way to set high standards across the board for the coaching industry and all of its facets. ICF is consistently recognized among coaching professionals worldwide for:

  • Developing coaching core competencies
  • Establishing a professional code of ethics and standards
  • Creating an internationally recognized credentialing program
  • Setting guidelines through accreditation for coach-specific training programs
  • Providing continuous education through world-class events, Communities of Practice (CPs) and archived learning
  • Leading and informing conversations about the future of coaching.

What is an ICF certification?

An ICF certification is a professional life coach certification indicating that specific standards and requirements designed to develop and refine coaching skills have been met. It is an indication that the coach is dedicated to upholding strong principles of ethical behavior in the coaching practice. An ICF certification shows clients and peers commitment to the coaching industry and to developing as a coaching professional.

ICF can be considered the Gold Standard of Professional Coaching. Anyone can call themselves a coach. However, ICF-certified coaches are professionals who have met stringent education and experience requirements, and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession. Additionally, they adhere to strict ethical guidelines as part of ICF’s mission to protect and serve coaching consumers. This way, the clients can know what to expect from a life coach.

Holding a certification – especially an ICF Credential – is extremely important to today’s coaching clients. The 2022 Global Consumer Awareness Study found that 85% of coaching clients say it’s important or very important that their coach holds a certification or credential. Earning an ICF certification provides me with instant credibility and increased visibility to prospective clients.

My ICF certification

With 127 hours of coach specific education with Symbiosis Coaching, my education is worthy of Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level. However, since the ICF has multiple standards for advanced certifications, mentoring hours must also be completed before moving on to ACC. Therefore, I am currently waiting for my ACC mentoring course to begin in April. Once I graduate that course, I will receive first the ACC credential (100 coaching hours), and later the PCC credential (500 coaching hours).

Life Coach Certification

Personal Development Coach Certification

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