More about me

My name is Javier Casla. I was born in Spain, but moved to Central America at the age of eight. I grew up in tropical Costa Rica and Panama, which contributed to my personal development as a relaxed, calm and down to earth person. At the age of sixteen I moved back to Madrid to finish school, completing the International Baccalaureate program (IB). After graduating the IB, I moved to the Netherlands, where I graduated from Psychology in 2019 at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. After graduating, I travelled for four years in a self-made campervan, fueling my passions of outdoor sports, meeting new people, and exploring new cultures. These years of travel, together with my multicultural childhood, have exposed me to people of all ages and backgrounds, feeding my everlasting curiosity and understanding of people and psychology.

I’m often described as an aggreable, open minded, adventurous person. Even though I rank high in aggreeableness, I maintain my ground, and am assertive when necessary. I’m extremely curious, frequently trying out new experiences. I’m amazed by different cultures, and by the intricacy / simplicity balance of life. I try to spend as much time surrounded by nature, as it keeps me grounded and allows me to manifest in a way which is authentic to my inner self. My current purpose in life is to help other humans reach their ideal self, while I continue to develop mine.

My childhood

I consider myself lucky and blessed when I remember my childhood. I grew up within enclosed urbanizations, which means I – and a lot of other kids part of the community – could be in the common shared space without adult supervision. This made me independent and have an active social life since a young age. Often we would be 10-20 kids from all ages playing and enjoying together. Needless to say, there were no distractions such as smartphones or tablets at those times, which contributed to a childhood without addictive behaviours. Most of the time was spent outdoors, finding new creative ways to spend time.

At the age of eight my family moved to Costa Rica, which caused a great impact to my upbringing. On one hand, my education level was improved, and I could learn fluent English at a young age. This opened my doors to the international world and broadened my options. On the other hand, we visited national parks every weekend, and travelled around all of the American continent. This exposed me to a variety of cultures that would’ve been way beyond my scope if I would’ve grown up solely in Spain. I learned the importance of being tolerant to dissimilar beliefs, customs, and ways of looking at life, and to appreciate cultural differences. I didn’t realize back then, but my childhood was slowly laying the foundations of my values towards openness, tolerance, and respectfulness.

Important passions and aspects of my life


Snowboarding is my biggest passion; after ten years of snowboarding, snowy mountains still remain where I feel most at home and in flow. It is an essential part of my life, which brings me joy, connection, and constant growth.

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Van life

Travelling in a self-converted van brought me closer to myself and what simplicity is all about. Through my four year journey, I grew in many aspects of life. The challenges and joy that travelling in a van brings allowed me to connect deeply with myself and people around me.

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Through music I’m able to channel my energy and get in tune with myself. It creates space for thoughts to flow and for myself to manifest in a pure form. Thanks to music, I can find peace and feel at home wherever I go.

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